
The Legal Firm's Secret Sauce: 5 Key Ingredients to an Efficient Team

October 23, 2019
Min Read

Law Firm Document Management

Still trying to dig yourself out from under that mountain of papers? Or trying to decide which digital document version is the most up-to-date? Legal document automation software takes the grunt work out of law, allowing you to automate document creation, organize docs in a single system, and make files easily accessible to the entire team for the most up-to-date versions.

The best legal document assembly software also integrates with practice management systems or legal CRM to automatically pull in important details with the click of a button. That means accurate documents for the firm—and time back for you.

Practice Management

A legal practice management system does it all, from conducting client intake and managing cases to generating bills and running reports. It’s the secret weapon of the modern law firm, housing all the key data, documents, and processes your organization needs to stay in top shape.

One of the best parts of a practice management system is that with the right integrations, the data you collect can be acted upon for faster, more accurate document creation and communications. For example, Clio makes it easy to populate any type of document right from your account.


It’s time to kiss paper checks and invoices goodbye. To make your firm run as efficiently as possible, eBilling software can help you generate invoices, send electronic bills, collect payments, search billing history, and more. If your practice management system doesn’t already have a reliable e-billing component, you’ll need to invest in a standalone tool like Quickbooks or Xero that securely manages invoicing in a comprehensive platform.

Aside from helping your firm stay ahead of billing, spend management software also benefits the organization by providing key data to help you eliminate excessive or inaccurate billing, cut costs, and pinpoint problem areas.

Document Storage

Attorneys sift through tens of thousands of documents each year. But those documents have to live somewhere, and your hard drive isn’t a sustainable (or secure) option. Cloud-storage tools, like Dropbox,  provide the security, compliance, and accessibility you need to store and collaborate on files big and small. Plus, some tools even offer in-app comments and version history tracking to make document management even easier.

While freemium trials may not provide the level of security or storage capacity your firm needs, purchasing the right account will give you the space and peace of mind you need to store your firm’s largest and most important documents.


After spending hours crafting the most ironclad contracts, there’s no point in wasting more time waiting for signatures. An eSignature tool streamlines the process of collecting secure, digital signatures from stakeholders regardless of where they’re located. Plus, documents are updated in real-time, so there’s no concern about gathering signatures from multiple places or collecting them in a single document.

After creating a dynamic contract or populated document, integrate with your preferred eSignature tool to quickly collect approvals and signatures before sending out the final version.

Automate Legal Documents for Optimum Efficiency

Documents are what keep the legal world running. From new business agreements to the invoices you send to long-term clients, keeping track of the documents your firm touches every day can be cumbersome. Investing in the right tools will make automated document creation a breeze so your legal team can save time, brain power, and money.

Formstack Documents is the law firm’s best friend. With customizable templates, fillable forms, and easy data routing, our legal document automation software helps firms organize documents into a single system, increase efficiency, and maintain compliance with industry standards. Plus, teams can easily manage versions in real time for the utmost accuracy and collaboration. And with our Clio integration, it’s easy to import form data and generate dynamic contracts, PDFs, presentations, and more.

Learn more about document automation for lawyers.

Anyone who gets into the practice of law knows there’s going to be a lot of reading ahead. But that doesn’t mean modern technology can’t help ease the burden a bit. There are a number of automation and process management tools available today that are not only helpful to legal teams, but crucial to effective law firm management.

 Check out the video below to learn more about leveling up your document generation process with Formstack Documents.


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